BBQ Beef Short Ribs
What are Beef Short Ribs? Beef short ribs are from the lower rib cage of the cow, opposite the spine, and are either cut “English style” (parallel to the bone, …

Easy Smoked BBQ Pulled Pork
Smoked bbq pulled pork is one of my favorite cooks – it’s got everything you could want. For starters and to state the obvious, it’s delicious. Second, it’s a fairly …

Smoked Tri-Tip
What is Tri-Tip? First, a short bit about the noble Tri-Tip. The tensor fasciae latae is a small triangular muscle located in the bottom sirloin cut of the animal. Historically …

3-2-1 BBQ Baby Back Ribs
But, first a short bit about baby back ribs so you know what you’re dealing with. Also known simply as back ribs or loin ribs, baby back ribs are located …

How to Slice a Tri-Tip
So you’ve just crafted the perfect barbecued tri-tip (maybe even using my method, here). You’ve let it properly rest and now it’s ready to serve to your hungry family or …

How to Trim a Tri-Tip
Tri-Tip is a beloved California favorite. It is widely available in most grocery stores, delicious with a huge variety of rubs & marinades, and easy to prepare by beginner BBQ-ers …